So You’re Single on Valentine’s Day

It’s alsingle-on-valentines-daymost that time … you know … that day … what day? THAT day … you know the one. The day everyone celebrates their undying love for each other … Yes, Valentines Day. Well you know what I say? I say Valentines Shmalentines!! So you’re single on Valentines Day? Who cares! I mean really? What is Valentines Day other than a day to pay too much for something that should be done all year round. Overpriced flowers and chocolate? Packed restaurants with “special menus”? Romantic atmosphere? Please whatever … Valentines Day is all about love and the last time I checked love wasn’t only reserved for significant (or insignificant) others.

To love and be loved is one of the best feelings in the world. Now, don’t tell me that you don’t have love in your life. You do, in one form or another, you certainly do!! Love is your family, love is your friends, love is your pets and for some, not most, love can be having someone in your life. If you’re single on Valentines Day, I can guarantee that you’re definitely not the only one! There are A LOT of single people out there. Regardless of who you are, what you do, how old you are and where you are in the world there are others just like you. Sorry to tell you but you’re not special or different.

What sets some singles apart from others, however, is that some embrace being single, accept and ACTUALLY enjoy it, while others wallow in self-pity. So you’re single on Valentines Day … well I’m here to tell you that you should be declining the invitation to the dating pity party and HAVE FUN!! Why? Because SINGLE IS NOT A BAD WORD!!! Be HAPPILY SINGLE!!! No, I’m not drunk or high … well, maybe just a little, no, just kidding … but seriously, Valentines Day SHOULD be celebrated by everyone!

So You’re Single on Valentine’s Day

Make Valentines Day about love and you won’t be alone on Valentines Day. Here’s the trick. Look around you. Ask yourself this question “who do I love?”. Now, answer it. I’ll bet you’ll come up with lots of answers. Love is so vast and means so much and so many people fall into the category of people you love. Are your friends all busy with their hunny bunny? Well, then make yourself busy too. It doesn’t have to be with a date and if it bothers you to see other people celebrating then it doesn’t have to be in public either. So you’re single on Valentines Day? Here are some ideas of how to celebrate Valentines Day if you’re single …

  • buy yourself flowers or something special … I always have fresh flowers in my house because I love flowers, I’m not waiting around for one day a year for someone to buy them for me! I always treat myself to things that make me happy and you should too.
  • cook a special dinner for you and your friends … celebrate Valentines Day with those you love by showing them some love by making them a meal or even have a pot luck
  • have people over for drinks … grab a couple bottles of wine, maybe some vodka, some beer, make some martinis, whatever you like but celebrate single and have a fun girls / boys night and get some board games out or watch movies
  • spend time with the children in your life … if you have kids, spread-lovenieces, nephews, friends’ kids why don’t you spend some time with them and give your siblings or friends alone time, most kids are way more loving than adults and appreciative of your quality time and do something special for them
  • give quality time to elderly family members … parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors are sometimes quite lonely and it would mean the world to them to have a visit or an outing, why not spread the love to those who really need it most?
  • volunteer somewhere … you can also spread the love by volunteering your time with an organization of your choice, visiting the sick, helping the vision impaired go shopping or whatever else is needed.

These are just some ideas but you get the picture, Valentines Day is about love. Love is something best shared by many not a few. Love is something you give away, not expecting anything in return. So you’re single on Valentines Day? Then take advantage of it and make a CHOICE to spread some love to all those who make your world a better place and when you give out love you will get it back. You always get what you put out into the universe, you just have to CHOOSE to be patient and positive. AND remember, SINGLE IS NOT A BAD WORD!!!

Happy Valentines Day my lovelies!! I wish you all the love and happiness your hearts can handle and then some!!

Your Sister in Dating Bliss,

Single Dating Diva

Copyright Single Dating Diva


  1. Happy Valentines Day to you! How about having a party with your single friends and eating phalic shaped macaroon cookies with a lot of wine? I have done it before! HA!


  2. couldn’t agree more! Single is not a bad word. And I love your idea to spend time with elderly relatives. People forget how wonderful it feels to spend time with your loved elderly. Now that’s a Valentine’s that will be remembered for years to come .


  3. I was just asked about this in an interview yesterday… words of wisdom for single people over V-day… my biggest thing was that you will attract what you put out there. If you’re genuinely happy for your friends that are in love and coupled up, and aren’t jealous or mopey, wishing things were different for you… and if you’re genuinely content and happy being single – even if it means forever… because you’ve learned to love life and yourself, then you’ll be ready to meet that person who will compliment you… but until then… practice being HAPPY and celebrate your singleness, as well as your friends who are coupled up! GREAT POST!!!!


      • I don’t like being single that much. Some “alone time” is great, but what is really greater than that is a fine companion to snuggle up to at the end of the day, and wake up to in the morning. That, my dear, is heaven on Earth. And I cook very well and do windows. Who knew?


  4. I’m technically single although I do have a date for Valentine’s. However, even if I didn’t, I probably wouldn’t make a big deal of it. To me, Valentine’s is a couple’s holiday (if you don’t have kids). So, me being single and dateless on V-Day would be the same as me on Father’s Day or Mother’s Day. Those holidays aren’t for me, so I allow others to enjoy and don’t feel badly because I can’t. For those who want to celebrate alone then do you and enjoy. As for me, if I’m ever at home alone on V-Day then it’s just another evening for me as far as I’m concerned. I’m not buying any chocolates or doing anything to acknowledge the holiday. I’ll just enjoy my free time. 🙂


  5. I have always said that if you’re not happy alone then you won’t be happy with someone either. I love, love, LOVE your ideas for Valentine’s Day. Personally, I treat Valentine’s Day like any other day on the calendar. Besides, if you are part of a couple, then shouldn’t you be showing each other every day how you feel? Why wait for this one day on the calendar to profess your feelings? It’s ridiculous! Great post Suzie, and great ideas! XO


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