Acceptance and Stress [Lessons Learned]

These posts are meant to lead you be your most empowered self and help you overcome those things that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Some of this might resonate with you, or not, and I’m not here to judge anyone or their actions, only to give you something to think about.

Stress comes when we worry too much about outcomes. Instead of enjoying the journey, we worry about every step, our surroundings, imagine every possible worst outcome and live in fear of the possibilities, most not even realistic. Accepting and trusting the process helps you have a much more peaceful journey towards your goal or the outcome. It helps you focus more and see things as they are.

The best thing you can do is “accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.” [quote by Sonia Ricotti]. These things will lead you where you need to be mentally, emotionally and physically. Only then can you have a better journey in life.

Let go of the past, make the present the best you can, do not worry about the future … living life forward while understanding it backwards. This is essential. We spend way too much time, give too much importance, to things that are out of our control or that we cannot change. Perspective is everything.

Live in the present

We need to live in the present. Accepting what is means acknowledging that some things are out of our control. Living for today helps with that. This is where you are at now, it does not mean that you will always be there but make the most of it. If you feel that you are in a hole, then use this time to better yourself and build that ladder that will get you out of there. In the meantime, look around you and appreciate what is around you. This is a good time to practice daily affirmations and gratitude.

Letting go of what was

Let go what was because we cannot change our past, the decisions we made, our traumas or anything we are not particularly proud of. So we need to accept it for what it is. Learn from it then release it. Learning from it gives it a purpose and helps you move on easier knowing that it was not a waste, nor did it ruin your life because really, even if it did not happen, it does not guarantee your life would have been different or better. Stop clinging to your past, do not look back because you do not live there anymore.

Having Faith

Having faith in what will be is all about trusting the process. Letting go and letting things flow takes the stress and worry out of it. Things will be what they will be, things will end up where they end up. Your role is to do the best you can where you are at in that moment. You most certainly will not make the best decisions all the time, no one will, so stop worrying about perfection.

When you do your best in that moment you can be proud that you tried, if you did not succeed then you can be satisfied that you learned a lesson. I always encourage my clients to embrace the journey rather than worrying about the finish line because there are so many beautiful things to see and experience along the way.

Your Takeaway

  1. Stress comes when we worry too much about outcomes rather than enjoying the journey. Accepting and trusting the process helps you have a much more peaceful journey towards your goal or the outcome.
  2. We need to live in the present. Accepting what is means acknowledging that some things are out of our control. Living for today helps with that.
  3. Let go what was! You cannot change your past, you cannot change the decisions you made, or the traumas you experienced or anything you are not particularly proud of in your life. Stop clinging to it.
  4. Have faith in what will be.  It is all about trusting the process. Letting go and letting things flow takes the stress and worry out of everything. Things will be what they will be; things will end up where they end up.
  5. Commit to living life forward while understanding it backwards. Keep moving, do not stop, do not turn back.

TRY THIS: Think of the thing you want to let go of that is stressing you out and write down on paper why you it is making you anxious. List all the points honestly. This will help you figure out what you need to work on.

POST IT NOTE: I am grateful for today

Click for recorded segment exclusively on ACCEPTANCE [7:42 min]

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