Complimenting YOURSELF [Lessons Learned]

“When you cannot get a compliment any other way, pay yourself one.” I think Mark Twain was on to something! While being kind to others is very important, being kind to yourself is just as, if not more, important. Complimenting yourself encourages you to be confident. It fosters self-love, self-worth and self-esteem … all important things we should have.

Think of these compliments as affirmations or mantras that will motivate you in your day to day life. It ignites your subconscious to believe what you are saying, in turn manifesting good things. It is a good mental health practice because it helps with your positive self-talk and eventually eliminates any limiting beliefs.

How to compliment yourself:

  • Create “I am” positive powerful statements related to something true about you.
  • Make affirmations subject specific.
  • Practice gratitude daily.
  • Write your affirmations down and repeat them often.
  • Believe in what you are saying.
  • Work on any feelings or actions that hold you back.

Some examples of complimenting yourself could be patting yourself on the back by saying:

  • I am smart,
  • I am brave,
  • I am attractive,
  • I can get through this challenge,
  • I am loved,
  • I have come so far,
  • I know my worth,
  • I love myself … you get the picture.

BUT you must believe what you are affirming in order for it to take root and grow. If you let your insecurities surface, it will undermine your affirmation, which is why you should put the brakes on any self-sabotaging actions or thoughts.

While affirmations will not attract physical tangible things, it will help motivate you to do the work to get them because you will believe that you can.

TRY THIS: Write down things that you are proud of and reward yourself for the great things you have accomplished. Even if it is something small like speaking to a stranger.

POST IT NOTE: I will speak positively about myself

Click here for recorded segment exclusively on COMPLIMENT YOU [6:04 mins]

One. Step. At. A. Time.
