From Trauma to Power [Be a Rockstar]

These posts are meant to lead you be your most empowered self and help you overcome those things that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Some of this might resonate with you, or not, and I’m not here to judge anyone or their actions, only to give you something to think about.

We know trauma as being deeply distressing or disturbing experience or injury. It hurts both inside and out. Not all trauma is created equal and some recover from it, some do not. Those who suffer trauma of any kind usually also suffer from other emotional, mental and physical symptoms such as anxiety, stress, depression, and difficulty concentrating, being anti-social, not trusting others, nervousness and even debilitating fear.

Credit: Unknown

This is what we call post-traumatic stress, and, according experts “all sorts of trauma happen during one’s life that can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder-like symptoms” including those who have experienced a “physical or sexual assault, abuse, an accident, a disaster, or many other serious events”. They go on to say that “having a positive coping strategy and learning something from the situation can help you recover from a traumatic event. So can seeking support from friends, family, or a support group” as can talking with a mental health professional.

Your reaction to the trauma is a normal reaction to events that can be described as abnormal. Is coping and recovery possible? Yes, but it takes time and patience. There is a way to take that trauma and turn it into power. To use it as a stepping stone rather than see it as quick sand. However, each person’s journey to taking their power back is unique to them and should not be compared with others.

I have personally suffered much trauma in my life, particularly as a child. It sometimes debilitated me and most certainly affected the choices I made in life, especially the poor ones. It has been a winding road and some of it creeps back in to kick me in the ass sometimes, but I have developed coping mechanisms with the help of a therapist. But also, in sharing this, I take away its power and take the power back. By giving meaning to the seemingly meaningless trauma I experienced, I have used it to empower me.

WHere to start:

  • Know your tribe – a good support system is a very important part of healing, this could be friends, family, coaches or therapists who do not enable you but rather support your growth.
  • Fill your cup – practices of self-love and self-care will help give you the strength you need for each day so that you will not run the risk of taking on other people’s baggage or expectations of you because you are your own person who finds strengths from within.
  • Health and wellbeing – preserving your physical, mental and emotional health is also essential and you can do this by being active, eating well, being mindful of your feelings and incorporating breathing and meditation exercises while help you cope.

AFFirmation & Gratitude:

Your daily gratitude at the end of the day will help you find meaning from your trauma by being grateful for the lessons it has taught you while your morning affirmations will give you the strength you need to face each day, it may look like “I can do this”, “I am worthy”, etc.

“Healing is an art. It takes time.
It takes practice. It takes love.”

[Maza Dohta]

Your Takeaway

  1. All people can experience some sort of trauma in their lifetime. It might be an assault, abuse, an accident or other disastrous events. This can result in post-traumatic stress for many.
  2. Coping and recovery is possible but takes time and patience as well as a good support system and strategies that include taking meaning from the trauma.
  3. Taking back your power after trauma begins with self-care and self-love – essentially filling your cup with lots of good stuff. Your daily affirmations and gratitude will help get you started.
  4. Know that you are not alone so you do not have to sit with your loneliness and sadness. Seeking out the company of others in a positive environment such as friends, family or even support groups can help empower you.
  5. Take care of your physical, mental and emotional health by staying active, eating well, being mindful of how you feel and incorporating breathing and meditation exercises to help with coping.

TRY THIS: Take stock of what traumas you are still holding on to and create a plan to take their power away and empower yourself. Seek professional help if necessary.

POST IT NOTE: I will turn my trauma to power!

Click for recorded segment exclusively on TRAUMA [6:57 min]

READERS: What are your thoughts on this? Please share in the comments!



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