Perception and Power [Be a Rockstar]

These posts are meant to lead you be your most empowered self and help you overcome those things that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Some of this might resonate with you, or not, and I’m not here to judge anyone or their actions, only to give you something to think about.

The way you see, understand, or interpret something or your life is called perception. This is typically based on your world-view, experiences and feelings. Essentially, it is how you view your reality and often influences your thoughts and actions. Each person’s perceptions are different. You can have two people who witness one event and both will perceive it differently depending on their own personal lens.

Taking back your power includes perception checking. What this includes is clarifying your perceptions and comparing them with other people’s realities to get the real picture rather than the one you created. This will not only empower you, it will make you a better communicator and will allow you to let go of the past.

Where to start:

  • Do perception checks whenever you have strong feelings about something.
  • Take a step back and ask questions, learn more, be objective.

Affirmation & Gratitude:

When you express gratitude, it will bring power to your perceptions because you will be able to focus on what is real and tangible in your life and shifts your perspective of all your experiences.

“Sometimes a change in perspective is all it takes to see the light.”

[Dan Brown]

Your Takeaway

  1. Perception is the way you see, understand, or interpret something which is typically based on your world-view, experiences and feelings. It is how we view our reality and often influences our thoughts and actions.
  2. Each person’s perceptions are different. Each of us sees the world in our own way. This is why it is important to clarify your perceptions and compare them with other people’s realities to get the true picture.
  3. When something you perceived dominates your feelings about a person or situations, take a step back and ask questions, looking at the situation objectively.
  4. Expressing gratitude brings power to perception because it helps us focus on what is real and tangible in our life and shifts our perspective of all events in our life.
  5. Becoming aware of our perceptions versus reality makes us better communicators and empowers us. By contrast, relying only on our perceptions gives them your power.

TRY THIS: Look at an interpersonal situation in your life that you are not happy about, then take note of your perspective, then look at it from different perspective.

POST IT NOTE: I will change my perspective

Click for recorded segment exclusively on PERCEPTION [5:26 mins]

READERS: What are your thoughts on this? Please share in the comments!

