Accountability and Power [Be a Rockstar]

These posts are meant to lead you be your most empowered self and help you overcome those things that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Some of this might resonate with you, or not, and I’m not here to judge anyone or their actions, only to give you something to think about.

Taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and words is accountability. It is owning your behavior, not only taking the blame but being committed to doing better and being better. When you acknowledge the role that you play in your own life’s journey – the good, the bad, and the ugly it makes you personally accountable. You are not a victim of your circumstances; you are in the lead role!

When you are accountable, it also takes away the power of anything you said or did and gives it back to you. This is very empowering because it shows that you are open and willing to continuously grow and learn. It demonstrates that you are owning your mistakes and are committed to doing better. What can be more empowering than that?

Where to start:

  • Take ownership of all your words, actions and feelings.
  • Be accountable for all your mistakes and make reparations where necessary.

Affirmation & Gratitude:

When you journal, you can break down your actions each day, learn from your experiences and be grateful for them – all of them. Affirmations help you commit to making better choices the next day.

“Always take responsibility for the energy that you are offering others.”

[Roxana Jones]

Your Takeaway

  1. Accountability is essentially taking responsibility for your thoughts, actions and words. It is owning your behavior.
  2. However, accountability is not only taking the blame it is about being responsible for a commitment to do better and be better.
  3. Personal accountability includes empowering yourself by acknowledging the role that you play in your own life’s journey – the good, the bad, and the ugly. You are not a victim of your circumstances; you are in the lead role!
  4. Journaling helps you break down your actions each day, learning from your experiences and being grateful for them.
  5. Being an accountable person is empowering because it demonstrates that you are open and willing to continuously grow and learn, to be better and do better.

TRY THIS: Take accountability for a bad choice in your past. What can you do to learn from it and make amends?

POST IT NOTE: I will be accountable for my actions

Click for recorded segment exclusively on ACCOUNTABILITY [5:40 mins]

READERS: What are your thoughts on this? Please share in the comments!

