Ignore the Dating Trends and Focus on This

In today’s fast-paced and digitally driven world, dating trends come and go pretty quickly. From swiping right on dating apps to ghosting, don’t forget breadcrumbing, zombieing, and orbiting, the ever-evolving landscape of dating can be overwhelming and often disheartening. While the main goal of dating has never changed – finding a lasting relationship – some ill-intentioned people have put a bad stain on the experience for many. Additionally, most would agree that being single and dating messes with your mental health. So what to do? Well, instead of fixating on what’s trendy and dating rules, or even tips and tricks to success, I encourage you to shift your focus to more meaningful aspects of dating and relationships as well as the transformative effect of self-empowerment plays when dating. I’ve said before that dating advice doesn’t really matter but what does matter is what you as an individual are bringing to the table (internally and externally). That’s what leads to dating success. In this post, I wanted to explore the importance of ignoring the dating trends and prioritizing genuine connections, communication, self-awareness, and personal growth.

Ignore the Dating Trends and Focus on This

Genuine Connections
When single and dating, people often get caught up in the superficial aspects of dating trends. Their values take the backseat to things they may perceive are important in the moment. For instance, many may prioritize appearance (even hair color) or fireworks chemistry over establishing genuine connections when meeting someone new. This doesn’t lead to success because meaningful relationships are built on mutual understanding, shared values, and emotional compatibility. By ignoring the dating trends and superficial aspects and instead focusing on forming authentic connections, individuals can cultivate stronger and more fulfilling relationships that stand the test of time. Also, I find not focusing only on deal breakers but also deal makers when meeting someone new with your values being on top of the list. Remember that a fire that burns too strong and fast will burn out just as fast! Fireworks are great but could cloud your judgement!

It isn’t a secret that open and honest communication is part of the solid foundation of any successful relationship. When communicating over technology (dating apps, texting, etc), miscommunication and misunderstandings can easily arise. Many of these dating trends are actually facilitated by these modes of communication! It’s easy to keep someone hanging or ghosting them all together if you’re not facing them in real life. What you need to do is invest time in really communicating authentically and transparently. This is why in the early stages, even though tempting, minimize the digital interaction and opt for in person interactions as much as possible. That’s the only way to truly get a feel for a person because otherwise they can be pretending to be a certain way or something else altogether and you wouldn’t even know (the internet makes fraud easy). When you meet, really engage in active listening and be tuned in to nonverbal behavior. Taking the time to truly listen to their thoughts and feelings (and make sure they’re doing the same to you). This can create a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

You want to be successful at dating and to find lasting love? You need to have a clear understanding of who you are. Avoid trying to conform to expectations of others or portray a false image of yourself to fit in. Because, true compatibility with a potential partner can only be achieved when individuals are self-aware and unapologetically authentic. Become your most authentic self and you will realize that the quality of people you’ll let in to your life increases. When you focus on self-awareness and personal growth, you can absolutely attract partners who appreciate and value you for who you genuinely are. It will take longer and you’ll still have to weed out the ones that don’t “fit” but you’ll also have a more enjoyable journey along the way. Quality over quantity any day, dating trends be damned!

Personal Growth
Dating trends and typical advice often emphasize the idea of finding someone who “completes us” – our other half – or fulfills specific criteria. While compatibility is absolutely essential you should be whole on your own! Recognize that personal growth, although incredibly rewarding, is an ongoing process and can be a bumpy road but it has to be done. By ignoring the pressure of dating trends as well as other people’s expectations and instead embracing self-improvement, you can become the best version of yourself. This personal growth not only benefits the YOU but it also strengthens all your personal and professional relationships. The aspect of personal growth is also and incredibly important character to look for in a potential partner so that you can both continue to evolve and support each other instead of one person getting left behind while the other soars.

Ultimately, the ever-changing dating trends and climate can be very distracting and very misleading, as they often focus on superficial aspects rather than the core values of a lasting relationship. Instead of worrying about trends and rules, what you need to do is prioritize your personal growth first and foremost, forge meaningful connections, be an effective communicator, and be self-aware. By shifting your focus, you can build stronger and more fulfilling lasting relationships with authentic interactions and a willingness to grow together. Stop worrying about what app to use, what the rules are or even what the dating trends are and focus on what truly matters – building genuine, loving, and lasting connections with others as well as yourself.



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