Defining Yourself and Power [Be a Rockstar]

These posts are meant to lead you be your most empowered self and help you overcome those things that are holding you back from reaching your goals. Some of this might resonate with you, or not, and I’m not here to judge anyone or their actions, only to give you something to think about.

At the very core, you need to know who you are and what you stand for. This is an important part of growth because when you know this you can adjust as you go along your journey and achieve the goals that you want to achieve. If you are stuck in a bad or negative cycle, defining yourself will help you know why so that you can take steps to improve. This important practice also helps you be more confident in who you are and what you have to offer the world and others in your life.

It can be challenging to truly define yourself. It is a struggle for many. Many people tend to define themselves by focusing on the negative or how they compare to others, however, no one but YOU can really truthfully define you.

Where to start:

  • If you were asked to describe yourself in one word or two what would you say?
  • Now describe your best qualities.
  • Give examples of why you would describe yourself this way. This will help you define who you are and know what areas you need to work on.

Affirmation & Gratitude:

Each day in your journal, write down examples from your day that define you. Next day your affirmations should reflect those traits you desire to manifest that day. Your gratitude will include lessons learned from the day so you can be better and do better each day.

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”

[Mark Twain]

Your Takeaway

  1. Defining yourself starts with knowing who you are, confidently knowing what you stand for, being aware of your beliefs and your values.
  2. Many of us define ourselves by our relationship status, by what others think of us, by what we see in the mirror as well as by our past and this only takes away power.
  3. Empowering yourself begins with being able to define yourself truthfully using factual statements. Even the experiences you perceive as negative tell you something honest about yourself.
  4. Growth means evolving yourself where you are at in your life and making the best of each experience. This is how you take your power back.
  5. Being grateful plays a big part in this because when you are grateful for every experience you embrace it full as being a part of you.

TRY THIS: Reflect on how you define yourself. In your journal, write what words come to mind when you think of yourself and why.

POST IT NOTE: I will define myself positively

Click for recorded segment exclusively on DEFINE [4:46 min]

READERS: What are your thoughts on this? Please share in the comments!

